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To cite PDB-Tools, please refer to:

  1. R.V. Honorato, P.I. Koukos, B. Jiménez-García, A. Tsaregorodtsev, M. Verlato, A. Giachetti, A. Rosato and A.M.J.J. Bonvin (2021). "Structural biology in the clouds: The WeNMR-EOSC Ecosystem" Frontiers Mol. Biosci., 8, https://doi.org/10.3389/fmolb.2021.729513
  2. B. Jiménez-García, J.M.C. Teixeira, M.E. Trellet, J.P.G.L.M. Rodrigues and A.M.J.J. Bonvin (2021) "PDB-Tools Web: A user-friendly interface for the manipulation of PDB files"," Proteins: Struc. Funct. & Bioinformatics, 89, 330-335.
  3. Rodrigues, J.P.G.L.M., Teixeira, J.M.C., Trellet, M. and Bonvin, A.M.J.J. (2018) "pdb-tools: a swiss army knife for molecular structures", F1000Research 2018, 7:1961, https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.17456.1.

Further information can be found in the PDB-Tools Manual and an example of the PDB-Tools output can be found here.

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Result #1
cloud_download output_1_0.pdb

$ cat parsed_1_A.pdb | pdb_delhetatm.py | pdb_delelem.py -H
Result #2
cloud_download output_1_1.pdb

$ cat parsed_1_H.pdb | pdb_delhetatm.py | pdb_delelem.py -H
Result #3
cloud_download output_1_2.pdb

$ cat parsed_1_L.pdb | pdb_delhetatm.py | pdb_delelem.py -H
Result #4
cloud_download merged_1.pdb

$ pdb_merge.py parsed_1_A.pdb parsed_1_H.pdb parsed_1_L.pdb
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This work is co-funded by the Horizon 2020 projects EOSC-hub and EGI-ACE (grant numbers 777536 and 101017567), BioExcel (grant numbers 823830 and 675728)
and by a computing grant from NWO-ENW (project number 2019.053).